Results for 'Monique Leivas Vargas'

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  1.  19
    Capabilities for epistemic liberation: the case of hermeneutical insurrection of the Network of Community Researchers in Medellin, Colombia.Monique Leivas Vargas, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal & Lina María Zuluaga García - 2022 - Journal of Global Ethics 19 (1):43-62.
    Community leaders in Colombia have historically suffered processes of microaggressions and intimidation that threaten the free exercise of their voice in the processes of production of knowledge and in the participation of the planning of their territories. In this article, we explore the case study of the Network of Community Researchers (NCR), also known in Spanish as Red de Investigadores Comunitarios, promoted by the University of Antioquia, Colombia. The NCR is a commitment to the co-production of knowledge about human security (...)
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  2. Revisionism about free will: a statement & defense.Manuel Vargas - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (1):45-62.
    This article summarizes the moderate revisionist position I put forth in Four Views on Free Will and responds to objections to it from Robert Kane, John Martin Fischer, Derk Pereboom, and Michael McKenna. Among the principle topics of the article are (1) motivations for revisionism, what it is, and how it is different from compatibilism and hard incompatibilism, (2) an objection to the distinctiveness of semicompatibilism against conventional forms of compatibilism, and (3) whether moderate revisionism is committed to realism about (...)
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    Functionalisms and the Philosophy of Action.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (1):41-55.
    Focusing on the recent work of Michael Bratman as emblematic of several important developments in the philosophy of action, I raise four questions that engage with a set of interlocking concerns about systemic functionalism in the philosophy of action. These questions are: (i) Are individual and institutional intentions the same kind of thing? (ii) Can the risk of proliferation of systemic functional explanations be managed? (iii) Is there an appealing basis for the apparent methodological individualism in our theories of action (...)
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    Contested terms and philosophical debates.Manuel R. Vargas - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2499-2510.
    There are two standard theoretical responses to putative errors in ordinary thinking about some given target property: eliminativism or revisionism. Roughly, eliminativism is the denial that the target property exists, and revisionism is the view that the property exists, but that people tend to have false beliefs about it. Recently, Shaun Nichols has proposed a third option: discretionism. Discretionism is the idea that some terms have multiple reference conventions, so that it may be true to say with eliminativists that the (...)
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    El debate fiLosófico de Los sesenta Y su significación actual.Gabriel Vargas Lozano - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 168.
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  6. Vigilance and control.Samuel Murray & Manuel Vargas - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (3):825-843.
    We sometimes fail unwittingly to do things that we ought to do. And we are, from time to time, culpable for these unwitting omissions. We provide an outline of a theory of responsibility for unwitting omissions. We emphasize two distinctive ideas: (i) many unwitting omissions can be understood as failures of appropriate vigilance, and; (ii) the sort of self-control implicated in these failures of appropriate vigilance is valuable. We argue that the norms that govern vigilance and the value of self-control (...)
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    Inspiración y conocimiento en Homero y en el Ion de Platón.Giselle Monique von der Walde Uribe - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 34:95-108.
    En la tradición preplatónica el poeta tiene cierta inspiración, cierto don que le permite acceder a cierto tipo de conocimiento proporcionado por la Musa y a la vez posee una técnica que le permite transmitir ese conocimiento a su público. En el Ion, Platón aborda el problema de la relación entre inspiración y téchne en la poesía y concluye que no pueden ir juntas. El presente artículo se propone analizar los pasajes de Homero donde aflora su propia poética para mirar (...)
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  8. Tres partes del alma en la República.Alberto Vargas - 1991 - Dianoia 37 (37):37.
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  9. Wrongdoing and the Moral Emotions.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Philosophical Review 133 (1):77-81.
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  10. Compatibilism evolves?: On some varieties of Dennett worth wanting.Manuel Vargas - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (4):460-475.
    I examine the extent to which Dennett’s account in Freedom Evolves might be construed as revisionist about free will or should instead be understood as a more traditional kind of compatibilism. I also consider Dennett’s views about philosophical work on free agency and its relationship to scientific inquiry, and I argue that extant philosophical work is more relevant to scientific inquiry than Dennett’s remarks may suggest.
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  11. Challenging algorithmic profiling: The limits of data protection and anti-discrimination in responding to emergent discrimination.Tobias Matzner & Monique Mann - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    The potential for biases being built into algorithms has been known for some time, yet literature has only recently demonstrated the ways algorithmic profiling can result in social sorting and harm marginalised groups. We contend that with increased algorithmic complexity, biases will become more sophisticated and difficult to identify, control for, or contest. Our argument has four steps: first, we show how harnessing algorithms means that data gathered at a particular place and time relating to specific persons, can be used (...)
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    Manipulation, oppression, and the deep self.Manuel R. Vargas - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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  13. Moral torch fishing: A signaling theory of blame.David Shoemaker & Manuel Vargas - 2018 - Noûs 55 (3):581-602.
    It is notable that all of the leading theories of blame have to employ ungainly fixes to deflect one or more apparent counterexamples. What these theories share is a content‐based theory of blame's nature. Such approaches overlook or ignore blame's core unifying feature, namely, its function, which is to signal the blamer's commitment to a set of norms. In this paper, we present the problems with the extant theories and then explain what signaling is, how it functions in blame, why (...)
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  14. Fenomenología e inteligencia artificial. Los límites de la subjetividad.Germán Vargas Guillén - 1999 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 19:91-130.
    En este artículo se propone, desde lo que Husserl concibió como Fenomenología Empírica, desarrollar — en el marco de la Inteligencia Artificial— una Epistemología Empírica. Para tal efecto se muestra cómo al ser traducida una estructura lógica la descripción fenomenológica de la 'esencia' de un dilema moral, es posible su representación en una plataforma computacional que use 'motor de inferencia'. Tal representación permitirá evidenciar cómo se hace uso, al solucionar los dilemas morales, de 'estructuras de autoengaño'. Con esto, la subjetividad (...)
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  15. Are Cultural Phylogenies Possible?Robert Boyd, Monique Bogerhoff-Mulder & Peter J. Richerson - 1997 - In Peter Weingart, Sandra D. Mitchell, Peter J. Richerson & Sabine Maasen, Human by Nature. London: pp. 355-386.
    Biology and the social sciences share an interest in phylogeny. Biologists know that living species are descended from past species, and use the pattern of similarities among living species to reconstruct the history of phylogenetic branching. Social scientists know that the beliefs, values, practices, and artifacts that characterize contemporary societies are descended from past societies, and some social science disciplines, linguistics and cross cultural anthropology for example, have made use of observed similarities to reconstruct cultural histories. Darwin appreciated that his (...)
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  16.  18
    Definitely saw it coming? The dual nature of the pre-nominal prediction effect.Damien S. Fleur, Monique Flecken, Joost Rommers & Mante S. Nieuwland - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104335.
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  17.  26
    A concepção husserliana de Mathesis Universalis a partir da noção de Mannigfaltigkeitslehre.Carlos Eduardo de Carvalho Vargas - 2019 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 2 (2):119-139.
    Este artigo problematiza a concepção de mathesis universalis na filosofia de Edmund Husserl a partir de uma discussão sobre a noção de Mannigfaltigkeitslehre. Inicialmente, retoma-se a questão dos números “imaginários” e depois é repassado o contexto matemático que influenciou o desenvolvimento filosófico husserliano. Finalmente, a concepção de mathesis universalis é enquadrada nas referências históricas de Descartes e Leibniz para, finalmente, mostrar as implicações fenomenológicas próprias do pensamento de Husserl.
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    Rousseau et le Droit naturel.Yves Vargas - 2008 - Trans/Form/Ação 31 (1):25-52.
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    El problema del tiempo histórico y la imagen dialéctica en Walter Benjamin.Mariela Vargas - 2012 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 38 (1):85-108.
  20.  19
    Aristóteles y la automatización de la lógica. Una lectura desde la inteligencia artificial.Germán Vargas Guillén - 2001 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 23:25-42.
    ¿Cómo, en el contexto de la lógica aristotélica encontrar una alternativa para darle una base semántica a la sintaxis con la que funciona un proceso computacional superando tanto la objeción del "experimento mental" propuesto por Searle, como la idea del "Escape de la habitación china" sugerido por M. Boden? Este problema exige: primero, mostrar la forma en que una lógica de términos, la de Aristóteles, puede ser transformada en una la lógica de proposiciones y de esta manera automatizada su sintaxis; (...)
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    Spontaneous para-Lorentzian conserved-vector and nonconserved-axial weak currents.J. G. Vargas - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (8):765-779.
    The energy-momentum relationship is obtained in para-Lorentzian dynamics. It is shown that the well-known correspondence rule for the operators energy and momentum holds in any inertial system if it is assumed to hold in the preferred reference frame. The new Dirac equation is obtained. Some qualitative features of the new theory are given; one of then is the spontaneous appearance of conserved-vector and nonconserved-axial weak currents. Finally one evaluates the convenience of further developments of the present theory in view of (...)
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    Autobiographical memory sources of threats in dreams.Alexandre Lafrenière, Monique Lortie-Lussier, Allyson Dale, Raphaëlle Robidoux & Joseph De Koninck - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58 (C):124-135.
  23.  76
    On the geometrization of electrodynamics.Jose G. Vargas - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (4):379-401.
    This paper develops the conjecture that the electromagnetic interaction is the manifestation of the torsion Ωμ of spacetime. This conjecture is made feasible by the natural separation of the connection ω μ v into “gravitational” and “electromagnetic” parts α μ v and β μ v , respectively, related to the metric and to the torsion. When α μ v is neglected in front of β μ v , the affine geodesics are shown to become the equations of motion of charged (...)
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  24.  23
    Comparative What? Latin American Challenges to Philosophy-as-Worldview.Manuel Vargas - 2022 - Comparative Philosophy 13 (2).
    Attention to the details of putatively obvious examples of philosophy-as-worldview within Latin America give us reasons to be skeptical about the taxonomy that gives us the category of philosophy-as-worldview. Among the examples that suggest difficulties for this way of thinking about the philosophical enterprise are 19th century Mexican ethnolinguistics, contemporary efforts to reconstruct historical and contemporary Indigenous thought, and 20th century efforts to articulate regional ontologies within Latin America. However, reflection on these cases also point to a different project worth (...)
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    Disagreement and Convergence on the Case of Latin American Philosophy, For Example: Replies to Carlos Pereda and Robert Sanchez.Manuel Vargas - 2019 - Comparative Philosophy 10 (1).
  26. Pantaleon şi vizitatoarele, trad. Mihai Cantuniari, Bucureşti.Mario Vargas Llosa - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  27. Aproximación a la probabilidad.Celso Vargas - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 46 (119):39-44.
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    Alberto Caeiro, en los límites del decir.Angélica Rodríguez Vargas - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):37-44.
    This paper proposes an analysis of the anti-metaphysical and anti-philosophical posture of the poetry of Alberto Caeiro, in order to show how the philosophical question for Truth is displaced by an awareness of the impossibility of signs to tell the truth, which leads to a theory of lie that allows to create a possible world, real from within. Caeiro proposes a return to the realm of the no-semiotics, the pre-logical, but uses the material he refuses: language, signs, poetry. Thus, he (...)
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  29. A commentary on'The double life of BF Skinner'by BJ Baars.J. S. Vargas - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (1):68-73.
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    Aportes de la Psicología Evolucionista a la Terapia de Pareja: Integrando enfoques básicos y aplicados.Juan Camilo Vargas-Nieto, Claudia Liliana Valencia Granados & Danilo Zambrano - 2018 - Enfoques (Misc.) 2 (2):74.
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  31.  18
    Algunos Mitos, Estereotipos, Realidades y Retos de Latinoamérica.José Guadalupe Vargas - 2000 - Cinta de Moebio 8.
    Most Latin American scholars treat Latin American nations as a simple study object with similar characteristics. The purpose of this essay is to analyze some myths, stereotypes, realities, and challenges given to one of the most important regions of the world, knowing as Latin America. Latin Americ..
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    A piedade no Emílio: solução possível para leitura smithiana do Segundo Discurso?Thiago Vargas - 2019 - Doispontos 16 (1).
    Não é anódino que Adam Smith, em célebre carta para a Edinburgh Review, tenha ressaltado passagens relativas a problemas de filosofia moral do Discurso sobre a desigualdade. Chegando a aproximar Rousseau de Mandeville, distancia-os, contudo, por meio de um conceito fundamental: a piedade. Nesse artigo, examinaremos as consequências dessa leitura, analisando-a, no entanto, sob a luz de Emílio. Mais precisamente, pretendemos desenvolver a seguinte hipótese: enquanto o Segundo Discurso apresenta-se como um diagnóstico crítico da moral do “sistema dos políticos modernos”, (...)
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    Análisis sobre la figura del profesor en tiempos de posmodernismo.José Jesús Trujillo Vargas, Ignacio Perlado Lamo de Espinosa & Jose María Barroso Tristán - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-13.
    En este artículo realizamos una aproximación investigativa-teórico-reflexiva sobre los efectos del postmodernismo y la postmodernidad en la sociedad actual y en el ámbito educativo en particular (centrándonos en el papel del maestro/profesor). Bajo la apariencia del bien común: mayor igualdad, ecologismo, atención a la diversidad, respeto a las diferencias…, una de las visiones del postmodernismo lo convierte en el chivo expiatorio del capitalismo, propiciando que este siga fagocitándose, generando de manera implícita una visión unívoca y poco propiciadora de críticas por (...)
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  34.  57
    Contingent Propositions and Leibniz's Analysis of Juridical Dispositions.Evelyn Vargas - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal, Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 267--278.
  35.  20
    Derecho, Filosofía y Política: La lección de Elías Díaz.Ramón Vargas-Machuca Ortega - 2008 - Isegoría 39:367-372.
    Elías Díaz es uno de los más relevantes intelectuales españoles de los últimos cincuenta años que ha abierto nuevas sendas en los campos de su plural investigación. Primeramente, en la recuperación del reciente pasado intelectual de España su obra es pionera y distintiva: subraya el vínculo entre liberalismo y democracia, secularización y reformismo al tiempo que rastrea ciertas líneas de continuidad en una historia fragmentada. En segundo lugar, como tesis central de su aportación a la Teoría del Derecho defiende que (...)
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    Das leis da natureza à ordem econômica: direito natural e fisiocracia.Thiago Vargas - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    A partir de um exame de textos escritos por Du Pont de Nemours, Le Mercier de la Rivière, Victor Riquetti de Mirabeau e François Quesnay, e tendo em vista a unidade da teoria política formada e desenvolvida pela fisiocracia, buscaremos examinar como a análise econômica dessa doutrina encontra suas condições de emergência a partir de uma elaboração política que lhe é precedente: o jusnaturalismo. Assim, destacaremos a importância desse retorno filosófico para a compreensão de conceitos como produto líquido ou mesmo (...)
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  37.  12
    Del uso sensato de los recursos naturales: una visión ecológica integral de la vida.Briggitte Milane Araujo Vargas - 2023 - Escritos 31 (67):1-18.
    El presente artículo tiene por objeto reconocer la Ecología Integral en su relación entre hombre, naturaleza y sociedad, como base para el uso sensato, adecuado y oportuno de los recursos naturales. Se trata de implementar una visión integral de la vida y su relación con el cosmos con el fin de afinar una conciencia ética que estimule una nueva forma de vivir y estar en el mundo. La revisión documental sobre el tema y el aporte del papa Francisco en su (...)
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  38.  26
    El análisis reflexivo y el método fenomenológico. Contribución a la detrascendentalización de la fenomenología.Germán Vargas Guillén - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:237.
    Este estudio da cinco pasos. En el primero se caracterizan los orígenes del análisis reflexivo. Bajo el título “origen” se incluyen, principalmente, las motivaciones y el campo de aplicación al cual está referido. En el segundo paso, se presentan las características del análisis reflexivo, sobre todo en términos de supuestos y de la relación del mismo con el canon fenomenológico de estirpe husserliana. En el tercer paso, se valora el alcance del análisis reflexivo como técnica; en cierto modo, se estudia (...)
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  39. Estudio bibliométrico de la investigación sobre el quehacer fonoaudiológico.J. Vargas Díaz - unknown
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    El hipertexto como mediador en el desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas.Edilma Vargas, Ruth Elena Quiroz Posada & Claudia Marcela Trujillo Vargas - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Experiences of Online Closeness in Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs).Luis Francisco Vargas-Madriz - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):119-132.
    In virtual learning environments students often find themselves in front of a computer, looking at a bright screen, interacting with classmates and teachers through a keyboard and a mouse, and, in most cases, listening and watching someone who is not physically present. Virtual components are not rare, and growing concern is currently surfacing about students’ potential feeling of isolation, which has been found to increase educational barriers such as lack of motivation or engagement, or poor academic achievement. We may therefore (...)
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  42. El papel del principio de continuidad de Leibniz en el desarrollo del cálculo infinitesimal.Celso Vargas - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (120):113-118.
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  43. El problema del tiempo biológico en Zubiri.E. Vargas - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 35:229-258.
  44.  24
    El relato autobiográfico: narrar la experiencia como ejercicio de escritura de sí mismo y construcción social de la realidad.Carlos G. Juliao Vargas - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:79-95.
    Desde el terreno de la filosofía como estilo de vida, y de la subjetividad social y la interpretación como quehacer investigativo, analizo primero los relatos autobiográficos en su relación con la acción social y sus sentidos, es decir, la subjetividad social. Luego, presento una reflexión sobre la reconstrucción de la experiencia personal durante el relato (y el papel que juega la memoria en dicho proceso), que culmina con la incorporación del mito, como forma de configurar la narración desde un saber (...)
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    Expandir, repetir, conservar: a sexualidade sob o Eros freudiano.Fábio Moreira Vargas - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):126-151.
    O presente artigo deseja evidenciar que, ainda que a libido e a sexualidade tenham sido incluídas no conceito de Eros a partir de Além do princípio do prazer, a sexualidade no interior no pensamento freudiana não perdeu seu caráter disruptivo e não deixou de ser considerada como causa de profundas perturbações para a vida psíquica humana. Para tal, serão reconstruídos os argumentos sobre a natureza conservadora das pulsões e se procurará propor a ideia de que os conceitos de expansão, repetição (...)
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  46. Forgetting What Must Be Forgotten: Advocating an Ethical Memory Model for Artificial Companions.P. A. Vargas, Y. Fernaeus, M. Y. Lim, S. Enz, W. C. Ho, M. Jacobsson & R. Aylett - forthcoming - Special Issue of Ai and Society: Killer Robots or Friendly Fridges: The Social Understanding of Artificial Intelligence.
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    Gestión cinegética racional ligada a la praxis de la caza y la recolección. ¿Entelequia aristotélica o quimera?Juan Mario Vargas Yáñez, Miguel Ángel Farfán Aguilar, Jesús Duarte Duarte & John E. Fa - 2017 - Arbor 193 (786):415.
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    Genealogía del miedo: un estudio antropológico de la modernidad desde Leonardo Polo.Alberto I. Vargas - 2017 - Pamplona: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, S.A., /.
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    How a “Brood of Vipers” Survived the Black Death: Recovery and Dysfunction in the Fourteenth-Century Dominican Order.Michael Vargas - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):688-714.
    Survivors of the Black Death confronted a world changed very much for the worse, or so we often say when ignoring nuance. There is no denying that many chroniclers wrote from a situation of real anxiety about an uncertain future. Many locales felt the effects of severe wage inflation and dramatic price fluctuations, some work regimes intensified, social mobility increased, and the utility of traditional safety nets failed to provide against localized food scarcity. Nevertheless, we should view with caution descriptions (...)
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    Ideario de Los Arquitectos Mexicanos.Ramón Vargas, Arias Montes & J. Víctor (eds.) - 2010 - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Arquitectura.
    El tercer volumen incluye un total de 70 textos que dan cuenta de la historia conflictiva de la formación profesional del arquitecto posrevolucionario y el surgimiento de la arquitectura moderna en México. Una referencia esencial para la evolución de la arquitectura en el siglo 20 en México. La antología completa cuenta de la producción académica y analítica importante, así como la calidad de las ideas que transformaron la producción de la arquitectura mexicana a finales del siglo 19 y durante el (...)
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